Sing to Friends 2018

The acoustic indie band Bay Breeze returned with their forth “Sing to Our Friends” concert preceded by the ones in 2012, 2014, and 2016. Formed by a group of Chinese originated musicians living in the bay area, the band explores indie music with their own stories engraved. Along with original and selected cover songs close to their hearts, Bay Breeze will present you a live house show that rocks your soul in a winter afternoon.

蛰伏两年的 Bay Breeze 乐队再度苏醒在冬季,将如期奉献她们第4次的“唱给朋友们听”演唱会。经典核心阵容与新血融合,经长时间磨炼而日益圆熟。无论是走心的原创还是精选的翻唱,她们将一如既往,以直击人心的音乐靠近你,与你共度一个冬日的下午。

Get your tickets here.

General Admission $35
Early bird $20 From Oct.14 to Nov.10

If you have product or any sponsorship idea, welcome to drop us an email to “contact at”