[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCqPyXupGvk[/embedyt]

Post-Youth is a new blood joined the SF Bay Area Chinese music community in 2016. The four band members were connected by a mysterious Mr. X in a rehearsal hall. Ever since they explored music together while did not rush to define the band style or music genre. After a short period of four months since formed, the band rolled out the demo of their first original work “Invisible Cities”. The song mixed the freaking and the beautiful in tribute to Calvino’s novel of the same name.

Yufei Nan – vocalist and rhythm guitarist, talented song writer. He used to play gigs in Xiamen, China as a solo folk singer
Fanfu Meng – lead guitarist, a metal head with slightly splitting personality. He’s the crazy one in the band
Anqi – bassist, a Ph.D. in mathematics, classical music player
Jing Guo – seasoned drummer. He used to play in underground bands in Nanjing, China. His band attended Midi-Fest in China


南云飞 – 主唱/吉他,负责乐队词曲创作。曾对民谣乐队抱有幻想,然而终日懒惰愚钝,无疾而终。
孟凡夫 – 主音吉他,有点人格分裂的重金属乐手,误入后顽这一伪摇大坑。负责乐队噪的一面。
邵安琦 – 贝斯,算不清时间的数学系phd一枚,深厚的古典音乐功底。
郭竞 – 鼓和打击,混迹南京地下音乐圈的郭老师,演出经验丰富,参演过迷笛、草莓音乐节。