Bay Breeze is a San Francisco Bay Area local acoustic band formed by 6 girls who are song writers, acoustic musical instrument players and vocals. They are dedicated to high quality original music which fuses the Chinese pop style with the western folk, country, jazz, and light rock. The band initiated the Sing to Our Friends serial acoustic concerts sponsored by BACMA in 2012. In the 2014 concert they brought 7 original songs to the audience and received fabulous feedback. The band is working towards the next concert and their EP recordings.

Bay Breeze 是湾区的一支由 6 个女生组成的自弹自唱自写的乐队。她们热衷于融合了中西方流行、民谣、乡村、爵士和轻摇的原创音乐。在2012年这支乐队参演了 BACMA 组办的“唱给朋友们听”系列民谣演唱会。2014年,她们带来了 7 首原创歌曲,获得了广大观众的好评。这支乐队目前在为新的演唱会以及她们原创的单曲录制进行准备。



