Nervous Factor|不安因素

Formed in 2006 and originally known as Ghost Ark, the nu-metal band recruited the top music talents from the Chinese community around the bay area. In 2008 the band was renamed to Nervous Factor, and ever since has stirred the thrilled audience with regular appearance in musical festivals, concerts, and shows. The current band members are vocalist Dennis Huang, guitarists Bing Wang, Haozi, and Angust Young, bassist Lidong Deng, Keyboard Xing Jin, and drummer Zidan Yuan.

前身是创立于2006年的 Ghost Ark 乐队,这支 nu-metal 乐队齐集了湾区顶尖的华人乐手。2008年乐队更名为不安因素,从此不断活跃在各种音乐节和演唱会,聚集了一批热情的粉丝。现任乐队成员有主唱黄晨,吉他手王斌、耗子、Angust Young,贝斯手邓立东,键盘金星,和鼓手袁子弹。